E hoje temos um trecho do lançamento deste mês da autora Devney Perry. Depois do sucesso da série Jamison Valley e do livro The Birthday List, ela está lançando uma nova série, chamada Lark Cove, onde Tattered é o primeiro livro. Tattered será lançado no dia 19 de junho.
Thea Landry sempre soube seu lugar na sociedade moderna. É algum lugar logo acima da lixeira que sua mãe a jogou quando ela nasceu, mas abaixo da classe dos que tem muitas coisas fácil. Com seus sapatos despedaçados e roupas de liquidação, sua vida nunca foi cheia de glamour.
Quando um homem rico e carismático mostra interesse, ela não se ilude em pensar que o encontro é algo mais do que uma noitada. Meses depois, ela se arrepende de não ter pego seu telefone. Ou seu sobrenome. Ela abandonou a esperança de vê-lo novamente.
Até que um dia, anos depois, Logan Kendrick entra novamente em sua vida e vira tudo que ela conquistou de cabeça para baixo. Desta vez, ela não vai cometer o mesmo erro. Ela vai lutar para mantê-lo em sua vida – não para ela mesma.
Mas para a filha deles.
Thea Landry has always known her place in modern-day society. It’s somewhere just above the trash can her mother dumped her in as a newborn but below the class where much comes easy. With her tattered shoes and bargain-bin clothes, her life has never been full of glamour.
So when a rich and charismatic man takes interest, she doesn’t fool herself into thinking their encounter is anything more than a one-night stand. Months later, she’s kicking herself for not getting his phone number. Or his last name. She’s given up hope of seeing him ever again.
Until one day, years later, Logan Kendrick waltzes into her life once more and turns everything she’s built upside down. This time around, she won’t make the same mistake. She’s going to fight to keep him in her life—not for herself.
But for their daughter.
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Leia aqui o trecho do livro e fique como eu, com mais vontade ainda de ler!!
“Yes!” My arms shot in the air. I punched the air a couple of times before clapping and shouting, “Way to go, Charlie! Nice save!”
I was so damn proud. I hoped she could hear me yelling. Her success felt better than any I’d ever had personally, and I’d known her for just a couple days.
Parental pride was incredible.
And I wasn’t alone in my feelings. When I stopped cheering for my daughter, I looked to my side to see that Thea had gotten off the blanket and was cheering too. Her smile was beaming, brighter than any I’d seen before.
“Couldn’t stay seated?” I nudged her elbow with mine.
“Quiet, gorgeous.”
I’d been given nicknames in the past by women. My girlfriend in high school had called me Lo-Lo. Emmeline used to call me darling. Alice had annoyed the fuck out of me by whispering stud in my ear. I hadn’t really liked any of them, not even Emmeline’s.
But Thea’s gorgeous was hot as hell.
Mostly because she said it with that smile.
She could call me an asshole or a douchebag with that smile and I wouldn’t care.
Devney is the USA Today bestselling author of the Jamison Valley series. She lives in Montana with her husband and two children. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her kids. She loves reading and, after consuming hundreds of books, decided to share her own stories. Devney loves hearing from readers! Connect with her on social media.
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