Revelação de Capa – Buried

A revelação de capa de hoje é de Buried da autora Brenda Rothert. O livro é um romance contemporâneo e será lançado no dia 25 de Setembro.

Today we are sharing the cover reveal of Buried by Brenda Rothert. This is a contemporary romance, standalone that will be releasing on September 25.



Você acredita em destino?

Eu não acreditava. Eu trabalhei desde a infância para me tornar um quarterback na NFL. Todo o sangue, suor e lágrimas estavam quase sendo pagos com o meu nome nos livros de recordes. Conseguir um recorde na NFL ia ser a coroação da minha carreira. Da minha vida.

Mas aí o destino, esse desgraçado, deu um golpe que eu nunca esperava. Eu me vi trancado dentro de um bunker com quatro estranhos, minha chance de recorde diminuindo quando os dias se transformaram em meses.

Eu nunca teria olhado Erin uma segunda vez. Ela era linda, claro, mas não o meu tipo. Eu gostava de mulheres que eram fortes. Sem medo. Resilientes. Sem mencionar que ela me odiava.

Mas eu estava tão errado sobre ela. E naquele bunker, eu me apaixonei estupidamente.

Eu pensava que um recorde seria meu maior triunfo. Mas agora, tudo que eu quero é uma chance com Erin. Eu enfrentei imensos linebackers que queriam acabar comigo. Por ela, eu baterei de frente com o destino.

Do you believe in fate?

I didn’t. I’d worked since childhood to become an NFL starting quarterback. All the blood, sweat, and tears were about to pay off with my name in the record books. Setting an NFL record was going to be the crowning achievement of my career. Hell, of my life.

But then fate, the cagey bitch, threw me a curveball I never saw coming. I ended up trapped in a doomsday bunker with four strangers, my chances at that record slipping away as days turned into months.

I never would’ve given Erin a second look. She was gorgeous, sure, but not my type. I liked women who were strong. Fearless. Resilient. Not to mention that she hated me.

But I was so wrong about her. And in that bunker, I fell in crazy, stupid love.

I thought a record would be my greatest triumph. But now, all I want is a shot with Erin. I’ve faced down massive linebackers intent on ending me. For her, I’ll go toe-to-toe with fate.

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Brenda Rothert is an Illinois native who was a print journalist for nine years. She made the jump from fact to fiction in 2013 and never looked back. From new adult to steamy contemporary romance, Brenda creates fresh characters in every story she tells. She’s a lover of Diet Coke, chocolate, lazy weekends and happily ever afters.


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